Homepage Designer for Updates & Ongoing Projects

Hello -

We have a website for a new coffee shop built in Webflow. We need changes made to the homepage and then hoping to ask that freelancer to continue to future changes to the site.

Current site: Fika.Coffee

The majority of the changes include:

Site-Wide Changes

Update font to Albra grotesk light; medium; PP Editorial old ultralight italic, as necessary


Update logo to “PNG Fika House logo”

Center logo to middle of header

Minimize header a few pixels (it’s too thick right now)

Header text (“Fika is the Swedish Coffee Break Ritual”) container is overlapping the nav bar. Fix so it’s contained properly.

Container-wrapper: too many big gaps

Google maps: can we update the comments?

Add header banner: Blue background with white letters: “We’re working on opening in Ridgefield soon!”

Reduce gap between map and coming soon part

Remove menu items from home page

Sign up to earn rewards: reduce the size of that large blue box

How we roast coffee: need padding on the left side

Above pics, under location part, add “Renderings of future site”

About us footer doesn’t link to “about us”.

Job Qualifications

Job Benefits

Job Responsibilities

  • Update font to Albra grotesk light; medium; PP Editorial old ultralight italic, as necessary
  • Header text (“Fika is the Swedish Coffee Break Ritual”) container is overlapping the nav bar
  • Fix so it’s contained properly