Splide.js 3D Slider


Discover a captivating 3D slider gallery using Splide.js in this Webflow cloneable. Featuring Anime.js animations, control buttons, and interactive cursor effects for a modern touch. Elevate your website design with this dynamic and visually appealing slider experience.

About cloneable

This Webflow cloneable showcases a unique 3D slider that integrates Splide.js and Anime.js to create an interactive and dynamic slider experience. Users can drag to navigate between slides or utilize control buttons for easy traversal. The slider also features engaging cursor effects triggered by hover and click events, as well as a subtle fade-up animation for specific elements when triggered. Perfect for those looking to add a playful and visually appealing 3D slider to their website, this cloneable offers a fresh and modern way to showcase content or products. Experience the seamless blend of CSS styles and JavaScript functionality to elevate your website's design and user experience.

This code snippet includes various CSS styles and JavaScript functionality to create a slider gallery with Splide.js. It also includes interactive cursor effects triggered by hover and click events, as well as a fade-up animation for certain elements when a specific trigger is clicked.

About custom code

This code snippet includes various CSS styles and JavaScript functionality to create a slider gallery with Splide.js. It also includes interactive cursor effects triggered by hover and click events, as well as a fade-up animation for certain elements when a specific trigger is clicked.

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