Interactive Webflow Cloneables

Explore top interactive Webflow cloneables for your website. Easily add interactive elements with these cloneables to enhance user engagement on your Webflow site.

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3D Slider Gallery Splide.js Webflow cloneable
Splide.js 3D Slider
Timothy Ricks
Discover a captivating 3D slider gallery using Splide.js in this Webflow cloneable. Featuring Anime.js animations, control buttons, and interactive cursor effects for a modern touch. Elevate your website design with this dynamic and visually appealing slider experience.
Vertical Webflow Splide Slider cloneable
Clone Webflow's dynamic and interactive Splide slider with this CMS powered vertical slider. Fully responsive and customizable with smooth navigation, scrolling, and animations. Get the Dribbble-inspired design for your website!
3D Interactive Background Spline Webflow cloneable
Enhance your Webflow site with a captivating 3D Interactive Background Spline cloneable. Engage visitors with a 360-degree view by clicking and dragging. Elevate aesthetics and engagement effortlessly with this visually striking feature by Will Gibson.
Native Interactions Animated Timeline Webflow cloneable
Discover a modern and engaging Animated Timeline Webflow cloneable by Relume. Showcase your company's history or product roadmap with this interactive scrolling effect. Perfect for creating captivating chronological stories.
Finsweet CMS Filtering Webflow Cloneable
Enhance your Webflow site with Finsweet advanced filter Webflow cloneable. Create dynamic filtering systems effortlessly with search, sort, and load functions using JavaScript libraries. Elevate user experience with interactive filters like dropdowns, checkboxes, and radio buttons. Perfect for CMS Collection List customization.
Swirl Animation Canvas Backgrounds Webflow cloneable
Enhance your website with a mesmerizing Swirl Animation Canvas Backgrounds Webflow cloneable. Create visually striking 3D swirl effects to engage visitors. Boost user engagement and make your site more memorable and immersive with this unique feature.
Parallax Background Animation Webflow cloneable
Enhance your website with the Parallax Background Animation Webflow cloneable. Create a 3D parallax effect with multi-layered "tunnel" and text movement for engaging user experience. Elevate your site with interactive elements.
CMS Logo Carousel Webflow cloneable
Enhance your website with a dynamic Logo Carousel Webflow cloneable. Easily showcase partners or clients with this smooth and customizable marquee effect. No custom code required, just plug in your logos and enjoy!
Interactive flipping cards Webflow cloneable
Enhance user engagement with this Interactive flipping cards Webflow cloneable. Easily add captivating 3D flipping effects to showcase products or services without coding. Create a visually appealing experience and engage visitors with seamless transitions. A must-have for interactive content display on any Webflow site.