Ongoing Webflow Designer for Site Updates & Integrations

Need someone who wants to be our designer of choice, for all adjustments, new pages and integrations we might have.

We are about to launch our talent marketplace: (link removed)

We want to have a fixed price, which could be increasing as long we start monetizing. You must to see the potential here, and we do have a lot :) We are accelerated by one of the most important accelerators in Europe, Lanzadera.

Our pricing table for now:

  • $15 per complete new page (use library blocks, easy)

  • $10 for small changes or integrations (adding blocks, fixing bugs, integrations)

Job Qualifications

Job Benefits

  • $15 per complete new page (use library blocks, easy)
  • $10 for small changes or integrations (adding blocks, fixing bugs, integrations)

Job Responsibilities