Looping Swiper.js Carousel Slider


Create a responsive Swiper.js carousel slider with navigation arrows, keyboard, and mousewheel control using this Webflow cloneable. Customizable features include swipe speed, full-screen layout, centered slides, and pagination. Optimize your website's user experience with this easy-to-use template.

js library

About cloneable

Create a responsive Swiper.js carousel slider with navigation arrows, keyboard, and mousewheel control using this Webflow cloneable. Customizable features include swipe speed, full-screen layout, centered slides, and pagination. Optimize your website's user experience with this easy-to-use template.

This code snippet initializes the Swiper.js library to create a carousel/slider with responsive breakpoints. It sets up various options such as slides per view, space between slides, loop, speed, lazy loading, navigation buttons with custom classes, keyboard navigation, and responsive breakpoints for different screen sizes. Additionally, it appends pagination and navigation buttons to each swiper instance on the page by modifying the DOM through script.

About custom code

This code snippet initializes the Swiper.js library to create a carousel/slider with responsive breakpoints. It sets up various options such as slides per view, space between slides, loop, speed, lazy loading, navigation buttons with custom classes, keyboard navigation, and responsive breakpoints for different screen sizes. Additionally, it appends pagination and navigation buttons to each swiper instance on the page by modifying the DOM through script.

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