Anime.js Text Animation Effects


Enhance your website with stunning text animation effects using this Webflow cloneable by Manish Pandey. Implement unique animations like letter-by-letter reveals and line-by-line animations to engage visitors. CSS styling, Anime.js, and Luxy.js for smooth scrolling included.

About cloneable

This Webflow cloneable by Manish Pandey features CSS styling and JavaScript animations using Anime.js. It provides text reveal animations where words and letters are split and animated with effects like translation and opacity changes. Luxy.js is also included for smooth scrolling, with a mobile device exclusion check. Users can implement these unique text animations on their Webflow sites to create eye-catching effects, such as letter-by-letter reveals, line-by-line animations, and word animations. By integrating this cloneable, users can enhance the visual appeal of their website and engage visitors with creative text animations that are triggered by scrolling.

This code snippet includes CSS styling for animating text, as well as JavaScript animations using the Anime.js library. It splits words and letters in the text content, animates them with different effects like translation and opacity changes, and provides functionality for replaying animations and triggering animations on scroll. Additionally, it includes Luxy.js for smooth scrolling effects, with a check to exclude mobile devices from using the smooth scrolling effect.

About custom code

This code snippet includes CSS styling for animating text, as well as JavaScript animations using the Anime.js library. It splits words and letters in the text content, animates them with different effects like translation and opacity changes, and provides functionality for replaying animations and triggering animations on scroll. Additionally, it includes Luxy.js for smooth scrolling effects, with a check to exclude mobile devices from using the smooth scrolling effect.

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