Figma to Enhanced B2B Website Conversion

Convert Figma design to Webflow site to replace our current Webflow site at Surface the resources of The Subscription Prescription media, and make our calls-to-action super easy for our site visitors to use on Mobile and Large screens. Suggest ways to integrate media into the new Webflow site when possible and incorporate this into the scope of development. For example, can the most recent podcast episodes be updated on the website automatically? If so, please let us know the time+effort to develop this and suggest it as an alternative to manually updating the Webflow site.

Interested? Checkout the detailed project brief ( and send a message that answers the 3 "Must Haves" to be selected for the project.

Job Qualifications

Job Benefits

Job Responsibilities

  • Suggest ways to integrate media into the new Webflow site when possible and incorporate this into the scope of development