Lenis Smooth Scrolling


Enhance your website's scrolling experience with this Lenis smooth scroll Webflow cloneable. Easily customize smooth scrolling behavior and manage scrolling for modals and unique div setups. Ideal for improving user interaction and adding body scroll blocking features.


js library

About cloneable

This Webflow cloneable features smooth scroll functionality using the Lenis library. With parameters like lerp and wheelMultiplier, it enhances the scrolling experience on a website. By implementing this code snippet, users can easily control and customize smooth scrolling behavior based on user interaction. It also includes functionality to manage scrolling, making it ideal for modals or unique div setups with specific overflow settings. This cloneable is a useful tool for Webflow users looking to improve their website's scrolling experience and add body scroll blocking when interacting with modals.

This code snippet initializes a smooth scroll functionality using Lenis library. It sets up parameters for smooth scrolling, such as lerp, wheelMultiplier, gestureOrientation, and more. It also includes functionality to start, stop, or toggle the smooth scrolling on user interaction.

About custom code

This code snippet initializes a smooth scroll functionality using Lenis library. It sets up parameters for smooth scrolling, such as lerp, wheelMultiplier, gestureOrientation, and more. It also includes functionality to start, stop, or toggle the smooth scrolling on user interaction.

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