Agency Hero Design


Create a standout website with the Agency Hero Design Webflow cloneable by THS. Sleek hero section with full-screen slider, elegant animations, and interactive elements for agency portfolios. Perfect for showcasing work and leaving a lasting impression.

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About cloneable

This Webflow cloneable by THS - The Hero Section offers a sleek hero section design for agency portfolios. With a full-screen slider featuring custom navigation dots and slide number animation, this design is both elegant and practical. Legacy interactions for the scroll down button, a full-screen hamburger menu, and stylish link hover effects enhance user experience. Perfect for showcasing work, the Agency Hero Design combines professional visuals with automated slider transitions for a standout website introduction. This cloneable's thoughtful design and interactive elements cater to agencies and similar industries, making it an ideal choice for creating a lasting impression on visitors.

This code snippet styles the slider dots and navigation buttons for a slider component on a website. It defines the size, background color, border, opacity, and position of the slider dots and the active dot. It also styles the navigation buttons with a round shape and adds a transition effect for when the size, height, and background color of the buttons change.

About custom code

This code snippet styles the slider dots and navigation buttons for a slider component on a website. It defines the size, background color, border, opacity, and position of the slider dots and the active dot. It also styles the navigation buttons with a round shape and adds a transition effect for when the size, height, and background color of the buttons change.

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