Stripe and Integration Specialist
Hello, I don't have a lot of money to shell out for this task, so I apologize for the budget in advance. Additionally, I will be 100% providing great feedback for your account upon completion, so this is great for people trying to build up their account credibility.
About the Task:
I'm currently looking to build out a website using Webflow. This website will be my company/agency site that customers will come to.
I already have the $120 Webflow template bought and a template/some of the shell of my website built. All of the pages needed are already present in the template/project.
The website will have a "Getting started" button which if the user presses, will navigate to a "Client onboarding form" the user will fill out. This form isn't a typical one as it will have more fields than usual and some drop down / locked answers (i.e., Yes, No...etc). Lets say for now, 15 fields or so. Also the form cannot be submitted until all incorrect formatting is fixed.. (i.e., not a correct email / phone / website url formats).
Once the user completes this form, it will then ping a webhook and save this information in airtable.
Once the user completes this form, it will also redirect them to a stripe payment link url.
Once the user completes a payment, it will send them an email / receipt.
I would like that just 1 simple webflow in if thats necessary.
I'm looking for someone with great webflow experience as well as automation experience.
I know its hard to give exact details on the ask via text, so after completion, you will need to be open to minor tweaks once complete like: "could you fix this spacing", "could you put this section here, instead of there...etc". Nothing extreme, just typical last minute touches.
Im going to be building out a smaller workflow after that. So if you're profficient, we can absolutely adjust the price to complete the whole thing. It would look like this (with hypothetical instance):
-All of the above + it takes the users info from airtable, takes some fields they provided in the onboarding document like their industry, company...etc, runs it through chatgpt to do research, takes that research and starts to populate documents.
- I have about 5 templates or so, and I need chatgpt to do research based on their onboarding doc and then change my templates to make it tailored to their inputs and needs. I will create 5 different doucments of various lengths, and will packasge those up to send back off to the customer.
Job Qualifications
- This form isn't a typical one as it will have more fields than usual and some drop down / locked answers (i.e., Yes, No...etc)
- Also the form cannot be submitted until all incorrect formatting is fixed.. (i.e., not a correct email / phone / website url formats)
- I'm looking for someone with great webflow experience as well as automation experience
- I know its hard to give exact details on the ask via text, so after completion, you will need to be open to minor tweaks once complete like: "could you fix this spacing", "could you put this section here, instead of there...etc"
Job Benefits
- I already have the $120 Webflow template bought and a template/some of the shell of my website built
Job Responsibilities
- I'm currently looking to build out a website using Webflow
- The website will have a "Getting started" button which if the user presses, will navigate to a "Client onboarding form" the user will fill out
- Once the user completes this form, it will then ping a webhook and save this information in airtable
- Once the user completes this form, it will also redirect them to a stripe payment link url
- Once the user completes a payment, it will send them an email / receipt
- I would like that just 1 simple webflow in if thats necessary
- All of the above + it takes the users info from airtable, takes some fields they provided in the onboarding document like their industry, company...etc, runs it through chatgpt to do research, takes that research and starts to populate documents
- I have about 5 templates or so, and I need chatgpt to do research based on their onboarding doc and then change my templates to make it tailored to their inputs and needs
- I will create 5 different doucments of various lengths, and will packasge those up to send back off to the customer