Sticky Scroll Feature Interaction
Explore this Webflow cloneable with an engaging sticky scroll feature. No custom code needed, just scroll to see the dynamic effects highlighting different features. Perfect for showcasing portfolios or key elements with native Webflow interactions.
js library
This Webflow cloneable features a sticky scrolling component that uses interactions to highlight different features as you scroll past. Users can click on the titles to anchor scroll to specific features. With no custom code required, this sticky scroll feature section is created using native Webflow interactions. It is perfect for showcasing portfolio items or key features on a website, adding a dynamic and engaging element to the user experience. As users scroll down the page, various effects such as size changes, opacity adjustments, background and text color shifts create a visually appealing snapping feature section. The interactive nature of this cloneable makes it a valuable addition for any website looking to enhance user engagement.