CSS Snap Scrolling
Elevate your Webflow design with a Snap Scroll Webflow cloneable by Neue World. This CSS solution offers smooth vertical scrolling with snap points for seamless transitions between sections. Customize scrolling behavior and duration for a modern user experience.
js library
Enhance your Webflow design with a sleek Snap Scroll feature by Neue World. This CSS solution offers smooth vertical scrolling with snap points for seamless transitions between sections. By implementing this code snippet, your website will have a modern and engaging user experience. With defined snap points, scroll behavior, and scroll duration settings, you can customize the scrolling functionality to fit your design seamlessly. By utilizing CSS for snap scrolling, you can improve site performance by eliminating the need for external JavaScript libraries. Elevate your Webflow site with this easy-to-implement Snap Scroll cloneable for a refined and efficient user interface.
This code snippet sets up smooth vertical scroll snapping behavior for sections and elements within a web page. It enables vertical scrolling with snap points for smooth transitions between sections. The "scroll-snap-type" property enables snap scrolling, "scroll-behavior" adds smooth scrolling transition, and "scroll-snap-stop" sets the time duration for the scroll snapping. Sections have a height of 100vh and elements within sections snap to the start of the snap point.
This code snippet sets up smooth vertical scroll snapping behavior for sections and elements within a web page. It enables vertical scrolling with snap points for smooth transitions between sections. The "scroll-snap-type" property enables snap scrolling, "scroll-behavior" adds smooth scrolling transition, and "scroll-snap-stop" sets the time duration for the scroll snapping. Sections have a height of 100vh and elements within sections snap to the start of the snap point.