Dynamic Mac Animated Mockup


Enhance your Webflow site with Relume's Animated mockup Webflow cloneable showcasing products and portfolios. Elevate user engagement with interactive animations and Lottie files. Ideal for product demos and portfolios.

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About cloneable

This Webflow cloneable by Relume offers two unique animated mockup components perfect for showcasing products and portfolios. The mockups feature a laptop that flips open to display demo videos and a Macbook that flies into view with a horizontal scroll effect. These interactions blend Webflow interactions and Lottie files, creating dynamic animations that can elevate any Webflow site. Ideal for demonstrating product features, presenting portfolios, and creating engaging demo content, these animated mockups add a touch of creativity and interactivity to websites. By implementing these animations, Webflow users can enhance their websites with visually appealing and engaging elements that captivate their audience.

About custom code
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